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  • Writer's picturemelaniekerr

Our Top Tips for Successful Spring Garden

Job to do in the Garden

1. If you don't have acidic soil, ericaceous shrubs, such as rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias and pieris will need an ericaceous fertiliser.

2. Organic chicken pellets is a great way to add nitrogen to borders will give the soil a boost.

3. If compost bins are full, make sure to empty and leave the compost to cool down before added as a mulch to borders.

What to Prune

1.Spring flowers need deadheading to prevent seed setting but leave the foliage to die back naturally.

2. Cut dogwoods, willows, cotinus and paulownia right down to the base to promote vigorous new growth for next winter.

3. Removing established and newly-germinating weeds, then mulch to stop regrowth, feed soil and keep the moisture in..

4. Cut out the top rosette of leaves from mahonia shrubs after they have flowered, to encourage branching.

What to Plant

1. Lift and divide overgrown clumps of perennials to create new plants - aster, astrantia to name a few.

2. Sow hardy annuals outdoors, including poppies, nasturtiums and cornflowers.

3. Pot up dahlia tubers to encourage root growth before planting out after last frost in your area. 4. If you forced Spring bulbs indoors, plant them out now to flower next Spring.

What to do in the Veg Plot

1. Autumn-fruiting raspberry canes can be cut to the ground to encourage new canes, these will fruit in the autumn.

2. Summer-fruiting raspberry canes that have outgrown their supports, can be cut just above a bud.

3. Keep blueberry plants healthy with ericaceous plant fertiliser.

4. Rhubarb can be mulched with a thick layer of garden compost to keep it healthy. Don't cover the crown where the growth occurs.

5. Hand weed and mulch asparagus beds. Asparagus have shallow roots so be careful not to go too deep.

Need help with planning and maintaining your garden this year? Get in touch & lets get your garden growing.

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