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  • Writer's picturemelaniekerr

Top 5 Perennial Plants for Shade

Choosing plants for shade is a minefield depending on the levels of shade - check our post for deciding on what type of shade you have.

Here are our top 5 recommendations

1.Vinca minor

Not to be confused with Vinca Major which is invasive. Perfect for ground cover for shady areas, especially dry shade. Easy to keep in check by cutting back regularly. 

Blooming from March to October, cutting

back in May & August to prolong flowering

Variety:  alba ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ has white flowers and glossy dark green leaves.

2. Digitalis 

A fabulous cottage garden biennial for middle to back of a shaded border or woodland garden. Adding tall flowering spires much valued by bumblebees and other pollinating insects.

Blooming from May to July

Variety: purpurea is the pink variety and  'Alba' the white.

3. Euphorbia 

Thrives in poor dry soil in shade, making it the perfect evergreen choice for growing under big trees. Be careful of the toxic sap. 

Blooming from April to June

Variety: amygdaloides var. robbiae is an upright plant with spikes of lime green flowers in contrast with dark glossy foliage.  

4. Brunnera macrophylla

Spring favourite with heart-shaped pale silver-grey foliage & blue forgetmenot flowers. Needs a moisture-retentive, humus-rich soil, 

Blooming from April and May

Variety:  'Jack Frost' has blue flowers or ‘Mister Morse’ for white flowers.

5. Tiarella

Perfect for ground cover for shady areas, especially under trees. 

Blooming from May to July, deadhead to prolong flowering

Variety: Sugar & Spice'  has white flowers and glossy leaves.

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